Welcome to our upgraded website. As at 17 July 2022, we are still adding pages, and features to animals.kwister.net. The old site is located at animals.kwister.com
Add your business / service
Please contact us at animals@kwister.com. I will respond in PM weekdays or throughout the day on weekends.
If you are a business or service that is open to the public, dealing with animals, we would like to hear from you. Our old site started with New Zealand however we are now expanding to include Australia.
Some businesses / services include: Vets, Pet stores, pet boarding/adoption services, animal refuge or sanctuaries, pet-sitting services or any other business in animal-related activities.
Please let us know:
Your main business:
- Your main business name
- Your website URL/address
- Your Facebook URL/address
- An admin email address (used to contact you periodically, and for you to log-in - HIDDEN)
- A public email address (used to display to the public - OPTIONAL)
- Map/geo location: go to maps.google.com, find your business (or general suburb/town if you don't want your exact address published). Right-click on the map, and google will give you a string of numbers.
Click on the number and it should get copied.
- What main category do you fall in: EG: Veterinarian.
- Optional:
- A company/business logo - advise the URL/website address of your logo and we'll add it to your listing
- A contact phone number for your head/national office (EG a toll-free nationwide number)
- A street address / physical address for your head/national office
- A postal address for your head/national office
Are you registered?:
Are you registered with any of the following registers? please advise your registration number.
Australia: Has Australia got any similar registers ? Let us know on our
facebook page.
- New Zealand
- https://companies-register.companiesoffice.govt.nz/ - Companies register
- https://is-register.companiesoffice.govt.nz/ - incorporated societies/clubs register
- https://charities.govt.nz/ - Charities register
Your business locations:
Most businesses may only have 1 location. However if you have multiple business premises/locations, please advise us of each location:
if your business has the same phone number/postal address etc as your main/head office (above) do not provide them here. If they have different information, you can have them listed.
- Which region are you in:
- Australia
- Northern Territory
- Queensland
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Victoria
- Western Australia
- New Zealand
- (Nationwide)
- Northland
- Auckland
- Waikato
- Bay of Plenty
- Gisborne
- Hawkes Bay
- Taranaki
- Manawati-Whanganui
- Wellington
- Tasman
- Nelson
- Marlborough
- West Coast
- Canterbury
- Otago
- Southland
- the street address
- postal address
- contact phone number
- admin email address (an admin email address to manage this location/log in) - HIDDEN
- public email address
Example: If you have three business loctions, you can have all three locations listed, and have optional postal addresses / phone numbers if they are different to the other offices.
Please advise us what services you offer for each location: some examples can be found on our
old website.
Please do not use very-specific terms only for your business, but think what the general terminology other businesses will use for that same job/task.