This section allows you to add / modify the admin and public email addresses for each location/address.
If there is no public email address for a specific loaction/address, it will show the public email address for your main business.
- Admin address: the email address we use to communicate with you, and for you to log in.
- Public address: the email address we show to the pubic. This is usually the one you have on your website.
- Addreses
- 1 Example Road, Sunsetville
- Admin address: the email address we use to admin this specific address (*)
- Public address: the email address specific to this business address shown to the public.
- 13 Fire Fuel Lane, cheesdale
- Admin address: the email address we use to admin this specific address (*)
- Public address: the email address specific to this business address shown to the public.
(*) NOTE:
- The admin addresses for each location is not currently working. Future development.
- The public addresses for each location is currently working. If you update this, you can refresh the public screen for that address and the email address will show the new address.